by Pastor Heiden Ratner
Jan. 20th, 2025
“You are my friends if you do what I command you.” – John 15:14
The four words that must have thrilled the disciples were: “You are my friends.” For over three years, these men walked with Jesus, ate with Him, and shared their lives in the same surroundings. They witnessed countless miracles and even participated in some themselves (Luke 9:1-6). They followed Him as their Lord, but on this particular day, they knew Him as their friend.
In His farewell address, Jesus doesn’t just speak to His disciples as followers or servants; instead, He uses a term that conveys a deeper connection: Friends. He presented a type of discipleship that goes beyond mere knowledge—He modeled friendship discipleship. The Pharisees got it right when they accused Him of being “a friend of tax collectors and sinners!” (Luke 7:34). The ESV Study Bible notes: “In the OT, only Abraham (2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8) and by implication Moses (Ex. 33:11) are called “friends of God.” Here Jesus extends this privilege to all obedient believers” (ESV Study Bible).
Today, take comfort in the reality that Jesus extends that same friend request to us as we take up His invitation to abide in Him and follow His commands. Notice in the text (John 15:14) that Jesus connects friendship with obedience. He was not interested in superficial relationships. During His earthly ministry, many turned their backs on Him (John 6:66), and with Judas’s betrayal, Jesus clarified the parameters of true friendship—no more fake friends. For us today, the invitation remains: to be friends with God, which is evidenced by our love-based obedience.
“The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.” – Psalm 25:14
Father, thank You for extending Your kind invitation to friendship with Your Son. May we never get bored nor callused to that grace-filled reality. Help us to grow in our obedience to You and when we miss the mark, Holy Spirit, please help us get back on track. Thank You for calling us friends. In Jesus’ name, amen!
Take time to reflect on what makes up a good and healthy friendship. Are those qualities present in your relationship with God? Take time to pray about what needs to change.
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I went on an entire tangent after reading Psalm 25:14 and studied the fear of the Lord. It is about being obedient to His Word, obeying His commands, loving Him, serving Him, being reverent to Him, and clinging to Him with all that we’ve got (Deuteronomy 10: 12-13, 20-12) . It’s the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10). It’s hating what is evil (Proverbs 8:13) and turning away from it (Proverbs 3:7). It’s the fountain of life (Proverbs 14:27), clean, and endures forever (Psalm 19:9)
This is my prayer over our church, that we would grow in the fear of the Lord and ultimately bear more fruit that brings Him glory.
Lord, thank You for Your Word! It truly has all the answers we need for living this life. I pray for an increase in the fear of God at Walk Church, that men and women would rise up and step into deeper levels of intimacy with You, more than they have ever experienced before. Set out hearts on fire for You! Give us a deep love for Your Word! Let it be written on our hearts! Expand our territory so we could reach even more people who need You! Let it be so, Lord! In Jesus name, amen!
Heiden Ratner
Wow! Such a good breakdown and testimony. This comment is a “Fear of the Lord” devo in itself. Thank you for taking the time and the powerful prayer to follow!