by Pastor Heiden Ratner
Jan. 12th, 2025
“If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.” – John 15:6
One thing that consistently upsets the Lord is wasted potential, whether that’s wasted time (Ephesians 5:15-16), money and talents (Matthew 25:24-30), food (John 6:12), or in this case when branches waste their fruit-bearing potential. Jesus knows all He can do through a connected branch or disciple. Who would’ve thought a lousy fisherman like Peter would end up walking on water and turning the world upside down through his faith and preaching? Or a broken Samaritan woman fetching water from a well would spark a revival in her city by bringing people to Jesus. Or Paul, a zealous persecutor of the church, became a passionate church planter and the author of thirteen books in the New Testament. Jesus loves to take branches and bear much fruit.
However, the testimony would differ for branches that remain disconnected and disinterested in Jesus. Although Judas walked closely with Jesus, he revealed that he was never truly connected to Him. He ended up dying a drastic death (Matthew 27:5, 1 John 2:19). Similarly, Demas, who started with Paul on his missionary journey (Colossians 4:14), ended up falling in love with this present world and deserted the true vine and his fellow companions (2 Timothy 4:10).Their fruit would not be the power of the vine working through them. Instead, the burning fire prepared for them.
Jesus clearly states in John 15:6 that the branch that does not abide in Him “is thrown away like a branch and withers…” (John 15:6a). In other words, this branch wastes its potential and wasting leads to withering and eventually burning. In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus preached a parable about this reality. Highlighting a stingy rich man who put his hope and security in his stuff rather than the savior, and after dying and being buried, found himself tormented by the scorching flames of Hades. He cried out for help and even asked Abraham to warn his friends and family of the coming flames lest they repent and follow Jesus. Yet, at that point, Abraham was not able to do so. Let us heed this warning from the Scriptures and not waste our potential but, by faith, continue to abide in Him.
Father, I’m challenged by the eternal realities of John 15:6. Please keep my heart and mind fixed on abiding in You, and the joy that comes with it, and when I get off track, pull me back in. I pray for those distant from You now and ask You to use me to bring those far-off close to you. In Jesus’ name, amen!
Identify areas that keep you from abiding and replace those with things of eternal value. Look for a moment this week to share the good news of Jesus with someone who is far from Him.
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Found it…sorry…came out differently
Not receive day 8 devotion…shows yesterdays one