

by Pastor Heiden Ratner
Aug. 24th, 2023

“By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised.” – Hebrews 11:11


Sarah was in a difficult spot. At this point, she had walked through many different seasons of life. She had multiple near-death experiences, lived in family tension filled with drama, and had been let down one too many times by the people closest to her. Can you relate to any of this? I guess you can say she was one of us! In Genesis 17, we meet Sarah at age 90. The Bible tells us she felt “worn out” (Gen. 17:12). She was no longer the young, ambitious Sarah she once was (Gen. 17:11). Childless and fatigued are probably better words to describe her season. And that’s right where the Lord shows up. God is still the God of the impossible, and nothing is too hard for Him (Gen. 18:14). Sarah’s story is another example of His ability. 

The Lord declares to Abraham, at age 100, that Sarah will give birth to their firstborn son and that He will not only bless her, but kings and nations will come from her (Gen. 17:16). What a word! Although this prophecy made Sarah laugh due to her older age and exhaustion, she had just enough faith to believe God could still do it. Hebrews 11:11 tells us she considered God’s faithfulness, and that reminder alone fueled her faith. God’s past faithfulness led to her present confidence. 

A year later, she was holding her baby boy, Isaac (which means one who laughs or rejoices). God turned her losses into laughter and her pain into pleasure. It may not have been on her schedule, but it was on His time. 

Is there anything in your life that feels too hard for you? Have you considered God’s faithfulness? The word consider means to “think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.” (Oxford Dictionary) Today, take a moment to think carefully about God’s faithfulness throughout your life and allow His patterns to encourage your faith. Think carefully about how Jesus was on the cross on Friday but rose from the grave on Sunday. Even if the odds are against you, it doesn’t mean God’s done moving in your life. He may just be getting started! 

“One man with God is a majority though there be a thousand on the other side.” – Charles Spurgeon 


Lord, today I consider Your faithfulness and draw upon Your power. I agree with Sarah’s testimony, saying, “Nothing is too hard for You.” Whatever I’m facing today, I choose to place in Your hands. Thank You for being big enough to make a way, and Your timing is better than mine. I trust You. I honor You. And I’ll consider Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, amen!

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