While serving as the pastor of the Corinthian church, Paul faced many challenges. One of these was the contentious topic of comparison and superiority complex. It felt like a popularity contest in the church regarding who preached, who did the baptizing, who was given specific spiritual gifts, and so on. This divisive mentality affected how people honored the Lord and cared for one another. For this reason, Paul reminded them in 1 Cor. 12 that God intentionally composed the human body with specific parts in mind, each holding value and deserving honor. Paul used the body metaphor to push back on the idea of elitism in the church. The reality is we all should be caring for one another equally. It is not merely based on someone’s role or title, social status, or gender, but caring for each person with love and dignity (James 2:1-9).
The word “care” communicates looking after someone with an interest and concern for their well-being. Throughout the Bible, God shows His great care for His people, regardless of their smallness and sinfulness (1 Peter 5:7). David may have known this best as he writes in Psalm 8:3-4: 3 “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” David couldn’t help but be in awe as he processed God’s majesty and holiness and then realized God cared for him. This moved him to worship. This same care is extended to each one of us, regardless of our status or position. We are all equally valued and included in God’s care and are saved by His grace.
Today, take a moment to remember God’s care for your life and praise Him for His intentionality and grace. Then, pray and process how you can better care for those He has placed in your life. Not because they’re somehow greater or less, but because God shows no partiality and calls us to care for people the same (Rom. 2:11).