Honor One Another


by Pastor Heiden Ratner
Sep. 2nd, 2024

10 “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” – Romans 12:10


In the Bible, there are few instances where competition within the body of Christ is encouraged. However, in Romans 12:10, Paul urges believers to outdo one another in showing honor.


Imagine a church where people are genuinely passionate about honoring one another and coming up with creative and deliberate ways to do so. In such a community, there would be far less drama on Sundays, fewer passive-aggressive posts on social media, and reduced gossip within small groups. It’s difficult to speak negatively about someone when you’re focused on honoring them. Despite this, the concept of Biblical honor often feels unfamiliar in many church settings today.


Honor involves showing someone a great deal of value and respect. Simply put, it’s acknowledging the image of God in each person and taking the time to let them know, “I see you. I recognize you. I honor you!”


In various instances, examples of honor, or the lack thereof, can be seen throughout the Bible. For example, in Mark 6:1-6, the people failed to honor Jesus in His hometown, thus missing out on experiencing His miraculous power. In 1 Samuel 2:27-36, we see how a lack of honor cost Eli’s sons their lives. In the original listing of the Ten Commandments, Moses wrote: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12). Additionally, after Jesus was born, at least three wise men came with precious gifts to honor the King (Matt. 2:1-15). And when Epaphroditus, the first short-term missionary in the New Testament returned to Philippi, Paul urged the church to “honor such men.” (Philippians 2:29)


The truth is that honor will take you further than pride ever dreamed. Honor opens new doors that selfishness would shut. Today, make it a point to extend honor to someone. And when you do, don’t just honor them, but outdo that person in showing honor, and watch how the Lord honors your obedience.


“Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” – 1 Peter 2:17


Father, I first want to thank You for honoring me with Your presence and power. Thank You for saving me and being patient with me along the journey. I feel honored by Your love. I pray You would use me to extend honor to those in my life and when I don’t feel like honoring, I ask You to be my strength. In Jesus’ name, amen!


Prayerfully consider if there’s someone in your life who the Lord wants you to intentionally reach out to and honor. As the Holy Spirit reveals who that is, take time to speak a word of honor over them through text, call, or an in-person meeting. Trust that God will honor your obedience to honor someone else.