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Who We Are

WALK Church is a bible believing church plant in the city of Las Vegas, NV. We exist to bring glory to God by freeing people to walk in Jesus, redeeming the city of Las Vegas and impacting the world with the gospel of Jesus. We believe that Christ will achieve all of this through us as we walk in Him.

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Pray for Us

At Walk Church, we believe in the power of prayer – especially community prayer! In 2015, we are looking for 1,000 prayer partners to join with us in saturating our church plant, city, and team in prayer. Sign-up as a prayer partner below and receive our monthly prayer update.

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Invest in Us

God has given us a big vision for Walk Church and we know we cannot do this alone. We are asking churches, families, and individuals to invest in us financially to see God’s kingdom vision fulfilled in Las Vegas. Invest in the kingdom through Walk Church by clicking below to become a financial partner today.

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Join with Us

We are asking the Lord to send more laborers into His harvest in Las Vegas. We want you to prayerfully consider moving out to Las Vegas to join our team, or to take a short-term vision trip and see first-hand what God is doing in our city. Click below to find out more details on how you can join with us.

[button color=”See-Through” size=”large” url=”http://dev.ardentcreative.com/walk/?page_id=24″ text=”Join With Us” image=”fa-globe”]




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[button color=”See-Through” size=”large” url=”http://dev.ardentcreative.com/walk/?page_id=20″ text=”Come To A Vision Night” image=”default-arrow”]  [button color=”See-Through” size=”large” url=”http://dev.ardentcreative.com/walk/?page_id=22″ text=”Plug Into A Charge Group” image=”default-arrow”]

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[testimonial_slider autorotate=”7000″][testimonial name=”Colossians 2:6″ quote=”Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him…” id=”t1″ title=”Testimonial”][/testimonial][testimonial name=”1 John 2:6″ quote=”Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.” id=”t2″ title=”Testimonial”][/testimonial][testimonial title=”Testimonial” id=”1421794123659-0-3″ name=”Heiden Ratner” quote=”A lot of people say this is the city of sin. We don’t. We believe this is the city of Him, because God’s grace is on display all around us!”][/testimonial][testimonial name=”Heiden Ratner” quote=”At WALK Church, we don’t believe that the church is a building – but that the church is a people. A people that’s been set free to walk in Him!” id=”t3″ title=”Testimonial”][/testimonial][/testimonial_slider]
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[milestone color=”Accent-Color” number=”1897040″ subject=”Lost People” symbol_position=”after”]
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