Join With Us

Join Us On Mission

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At WALK Church, we don’t just expect our partners to participate in our mission from a distance.  We want to show you first hand what God is doing in our city and let you experience the great need for the gospel here in Las Vegas.  If you have a heart and passion to join God on his mission globally, we are confident that God will give you a heart for the people here. We want to invite you to join with us by taking either a Vision Trip or a Mission Trip.

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Vision Trips

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Vision trips are designed to show you the need that exists in Las Vegas and allow you to see God’s activity in our city first hand.  These trips are best for anyone interested in potentially moving out to Las Vegas to be a part of our church plant. You will have the opportunity to see and pray over the city, join in our weekly groups, ask questions, hear our stories, and engage in all that WALK Church is doing. These shorter trips typically last from 3-7 days, depending on your schedule.

Do you feel God calling you to join His mission in redeeming the city of Las Vegas? We believe these trips are transformative in the life of anyone desiring to move to Las Vegas and we would definitely encourage you to first take a vision trip to pray and allow God to speak to you before making your next decision.

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Mission Trips

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Our mission trips are designed for those who want to assist with various ministries, outreach events, and service projects in our city. These are hands on experiences that allow you to not only see the need, but respond to the need by joining us on the ground to serve the people here. We have a number of different projects planned and will still incorporate many of the same activities involved in a vision trip, but your focus will revolve around a larger project.

If you are interested in participating in either a Vision or Mission trip, please submit the form below and let us know! 

    Your Name (required)

    Email: (required)

    Phone Number: (required)

    Church/Organization Name:

    Church Address:

    Trip Type

    Group Size:

    Preferred Arrival Date

    Preferred Departure Date

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