

by Pastor Heiden Ratner
Aug. 31st, 2023

“By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.” – Hebrews 11:24-25


Moses didn’t have a conventional upbringing. From almost being killed as an infant due to death threats from the king (Ex. 1:22), to being adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter (Acts 7:21), yet nursed by his mother due to divine favor (Ex. 2:8-9), yet realizing he was a Hebrew the older he grew. He was trying to make sense of life. At some point, I can imagine, Moses didn’t quite know what to believe. That’s where faith came in.

Hebrews 11:24 reminds us that it was by faith he chose integrity. He decided to be the same person in public that he was in private. He wanted to be authentically him and trust God with the rest—even if that was an unpopular and uncomfortable decision.

Wickedness was pervasive in his day, and the Jewish people were being mistreated and enslaved. Rather than aligning himself with the demonic regime of Pharoah, he chose to be mistreated with his people. Temporarily, it may have been more pleasurable to stay at Pharaoh’s table, yet, eternally, it was more rewarding to walk by faith and integrity.

Is there an area in your life that is lacking integrity? C.S. Lewis writes, “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” By faith, trust the Lord in doing the right thing, and allow Him to be your defender.

“Integrity gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing to hide.” – Zig Ziglar


Father, thank You for giving me another day to walk by faith. Even though it may be challenging to walk in integrity. Today, I choose to be the real me and follow the real You! Help me with my inconsistencies and insecurities. Be my confidence and my strength, by faith. In Jesus’ name, amen!

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